Nice Matters Award
RepIying to Laundryamah's question (and to all my fellow bloggers and frens): "wei if not for the tag no updates one hor? so bz meh?" Amah, I can tell u dat I WAS and still AM very busy indeed. I don't know what I had been doing and what I did. Busy with this, busy with dat. I would love to update my blog but just cannot find the EXTRA time. So sorry, I haven't been blog hopping these days, I'll try to catch up soon. I NEED EXTRA 24 HRS A DAY! No worries, no worries, I'm still sane and kicking.
Okay, back to what I intend to write. I'm really honoured to have received the award by 2 sweet, nice, wonderful mommies, Sharon, and Elly. I'm so touched. Thank u sooooooo very muchie. *sob, sob sob* *wiping tears*
Okay, back to what I intend to write. I'm really honoured to have received the award by 2 sweet, nice, wonderful mommies, Sharon, and Elly. I'm so touched. Thank u sooooooo very muchie. *sob, sob sob* *wiping tears*

I would like to pass it on to 7 (besides Sharon and Elly) whom I think deserves it. Eiks! Dat's the lot, 7 only? There're so many nice nice blogger frens whom I wish to pass the award to too.
Okay, the award goes to (my all time favourites):
(Shake hand with Tracy and received the Award from her) Muah muah muah thank you so much. Feel so honoured.
Thanks for your nice award. You so nice.
thx for the awd
Congrats !!!
Har har..same like me...the tag keep me writing, still haven't finished all the tags yet..
Thank you, Tracy, for giving the award!
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