Tracy's Nest

Friday, May 29, 2009

Last day of school in Q-Dees

November 14, 2008 marked the last day of school for Destinee in Q-Dees and to celebrate Children's day. She was 'blur blur' and did not really understand dat she would be leaving her favourite Teacher Linda and her little classmates. She thought she would be meeting them when she goes to Primary 1 in 2009. I did try to explain to her dat she might not be meeting her friends again but will be meeting new friends in her new school.

Her best friends Ainantul and Cho Kai En.

Gifts for her teachers.
The kids were encouraged to bring gifts to exchange.

Gifts for her 2 best friends.

Gifts for her classmates.

Gifts from her classmates.

Kid werere treated to a magic show.

Eee .. dat's not Des. She's SQ (Msau's daughter).

A picture for keeps.

Bye-bye classmates, Bye-bye Teacher Linda, Bye-bye Teacher Amanda, Bye-bye Teacher Fen and lastly BYE-BYE Q-DEES!


At Fri May 29, 08:58:00 PM, Blogger 杨 霓 said... always give the teacher so good present oh!!
I want to become Des's teacher, can ?

At Wed Jun 03, 09:45:00 AM, Blogger Tracy said...

Nee - Can can, of course can, when can u be Des's teacher? U can always be her Chinese tutor, dat'll be great! *hint hint*


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