An Qing Ban (安亲班) - Daycare Centre

Before sending her to the 'an qing ban', I sent her to a tuition centre but was too hectic for her, Pappy and me. She had homework from the tuition centre too apart from having homework from school.
At 3.30 pm, after she finishes school, she’ll go to the 'an qing ban'. Snacks and drinks (fried/soup noodles, cakes, biscuits, milo, ribena, orange juice) are provided. After finishing her snack, she has to wash her own utensils and put them back in their proper place.
After completing her homework, the teachers will advise her to revise the day’s subjects and sometimes will have to do some exercises from workbooks. She'll also be allowed to watch TV programmes, play on the computer if time permits (which she’s not allowed to do so at home during school days) and play games (badminton, volleyball, chess ...).
The most important thing is that I don't have to worry and stress myself over her homework. At the 'an qing ban', after she has done her homework, the teachers will check and will help her correct the ones she has done incorrectly. If she isn’t sure of how to do, the teachers will guide her. At home (before she went to the 'an qing ban') she'll dilly dally with her homework and to get her to do her homework, I'll need to raise my voice and I really cannot coach her with the Chinese subjects.
Sending her to 'an qing ban' really saves me a lot of time and 'blood cells'. I highly recommend 'an qing ban' to parents who don't have time to guide their kids with their homework.
Yeah, I’ve more ‘me’ time now!
More to read about the 安亲班 here: